
How to Make Cutting of a Plant

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A cutting is a tiny plant part that contains at least one parental plant stem cell. The cutting of the plant must be placed in an appropriate medium and allowed to develop as an independent plant because it is a component of the original stock plants that shares the same daylight, air, freshwater, and nutrients. If the stock plants was low in phosphorus, the cutting will be low in phosphorous as well. This difficulty is complicated by the fact that the cutting has lost its roots and hence is unable to obtain food or water. Any problem that develops in a plants that grows from a cutting will become visible quickly and throughout its growth.

Two Types of Plant Cuttings

The duration a cutting is taken is classified based on the type of plants. A softwood cutting, which is this season’s fresh growth, will root effectively in most plants. The inside cells don’t have time to freeze, so they’re incredibly active and easy to replicate. Hardwood cuttings are highly mature material and often rather woody, and semi-softwood cutting is obtained in the summertime when the new leaves are almost mature. Here are some steps you must follow for cutting of plants:

How to Make Cutting of a Plant
Propagate Plants using stem cutting method

Perfect Time:

Root cuttings can be made and rooted at nearly any point throughout the active growth cycle of the parent plants. It is a great technique to add more plants to your garden. It could also be used to maintain very sensitive plants alive over the winter for transplanting in the spring in cold locations. For example, there in autumn, before the first cold, you may take cuttings of tropical plants, grow them indoors, and then transplant them to pots. By springtime, you’ll have healthy potted plants that you may replant in the backyard.

Choose Plants:

Choose a healthy parental plants for cuttings. Stay away from plants that seem to have illnesses or have a lot of drooping or fading leaves. Cuttings from the better specimens will have a lot of fresh growth. When it comes to choosing a healthy plants from which to collect cuttings, greener growth is far more vital than numerous flower buds.

Preparation for Container:

For the stem cutting for roots, fill a clear container with a soilless potting medium. A soil-free mix drains effectively and keeps the cutting moist enough to root. Use regular garden soil instead, as it may include infections that will kill the cutting until it can grow back.

Choose Best Stem:

Cuttings should be made from green, non-woody stems. Woody or rough stems are more difficult to root than newer ones. Check for a stem that has a node, which is a hump along the stem in which a leaf or flower bud joins. New roots will develop at this time.

Steps to Make Cutting of a Plant
Propagation of Plant through cutting

Time to Cut:

Make an easy cut under a stem using scissors or a razor blade that has been disinfected in alcohol. It is not necessary for the cutting to belong, but it must have at least 2 leaves and 1 node. Cuttings of four to eight inches in length are usually sufficient. Whenever longer cuttings are placed in the growing medium, they might dry out. Put the cutting on a level, firm surface and use a sterilized razor blade to make a clean cutting through the center of the node. The scarification of the node increases the likelihood of roots sprouting from this location. Cut one or two leaves. To maintain photosynthesis, the cut requires some leaf growth, but many leaves will direct energy away from root formation. Cut off the top portions of the leaves if they are too large in comparison to the stems.

Add Rooting Hormone:

A rooting hormone can assist plants by forcing the cutting to give out new roots. Prepare a container with fresh water and a second pot with rooting hormone. Place the cutting’s nodes end into freshwater, then into the rooting hormone. Remove any extra hormone; too much can negatively affect your chances of succeeding.

Bore a Hole and Place Cutting:

Make a planting hole in the potting mix with a stick or other sharp item. When you insert the stems into the pot, make the hole slightly bigger than the diameter of the stem to avoid the rooting hormone from becoming wiped away. Gently insert the cutting into the planting mixture hole, then gently push the dirt around it. You may fit numerous cuttings into a single container, but make sure the leaves don’t touch.

Propagation of Plant through Cutting method
Cut newer growth of Plants

Cover with Plastic:

Put the pot Into a plastic bag, with the cutting. The bag will retain heat and maintain  high moisture. However, do not seal the bag because some circulation is required to avoid fungal growth. Place the pot in a warm. Wait until new green leaves grow along the stem before placing the cutting in direct sunshine.


Maintain the soil moistness but  ensure  it’s not so humid that moisture collects on the interior of the plastic bag until roots form. Check for indications of rotting regularly, and eliminate any doubtful cuttings as soon as you see a problem. Start looking for roots after 2 to 3 weeks by lightly tugging on the cutting. Once you start to notice resistance, it is a sign that roots have grown. You may now either transfer the cutting into a new container or the ground. For more details visit us.

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