The Green Revolution was characterized by the widespread adoption of high-yielding crop varieties, modern agricultural technologies, and increased use of fertilizers and pesticides.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, foreign donor groups and the Indian government developed a development plan that led to the Green Revolution. This program’s first implementation was in the state of Punjab.
The Indian grain economy depended on a one-sided exploitation relationship under the British Raj. So, after India got its independence, it had to deal with periodic famines, unstable finances, and low productivity. These considerations bolstered the case for adopting the Green Revolution in India.
India’s rapidly expanding population was hit hard by food shortages and famine during two consecutive years of severe drought, in 1964–1965 and 1965–1966.
During the Green Revolution, several issues and hardships arose for the farmers of India due to a lack of enough funding. Loan recipients also received government assistance.
With India’s population rising rapidly, the country’s conventional agricultural techniques could not keep up with the need for food. India’s food grain shortages in the 1960s were among the worst in the developing world because of the country’s historically poor output.