
The Role of Women in Indian Agriculture

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Women play an essential part in Indian Agriculture. Therefore, future research must take this fact into consideration so it can meet their needs while empowering them.

To do this, they can ensure they can participate in agricultural markets and identify social norms and practices that impede access to land or other assets.

Here is the Role of Women in Indian Agriculture

Indian Agriculture The Role of Women in Indian Agriculture

Workforce Contribution

Women farmers play an invaluable role in Indian agriculture, but to fully realize their potential we need to ensure they have access to resources such as land, water, credit and seeds – this will enable them to improve farm management and productivity and boost overall rural economic development in India.

Though women make considerable contributions to agriculture, their contributions are often overlooked and unacknowledged. We should recognize their efforts and provide them with opportunities to break free of patriarchal structures.

Women’s involvement in agricultural development varies considerably according to region, though in general they engage in various agricultural activities, including growing crops, raising livestock, managing household businesses and managing household finances. Their efforts are often limited due to limited financial resources or barriers preventing formal labor market participation – traditional domestic tasks and caring for children often take up much of their time leaving less room for business initiatives and investments.

Farm Management

Women play an essential role in farm management. Women tend to take on more labor-intensive tasks such as harvesting and weeding; additionally, they provide unpaid household work or childcare services which increases their exposure to climate change. This can significantly impact both their agricultural output quality and vulnerability to climate change.

However, the nature of agricultural work varies by region and crop. Furthermore, women do not always have equal access to land or other resources, while how they interact with markets impacts their level of empowerment – according to our research this was linked with their level of empowerment in agriculture.

To address these obstacles, it is critical that strategies be put in place that enable women to gain skills and participate in markets – this may be accomplished through cooperatives or government initiatives providing credit to small farmers. Climate change also has a tremendous effect on women who engage in small farming.

Unpaid Labor

Indian agriculture faces one major hurdle in its pursuit of gender parity: lack of recognition and entitlements for female farmers. According to a report released by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, women make up 33% of agricultural labor force while 48% self-employed farmers in India – 33% as farm labor force members and 48 per cent in terms of self-employed farms. Women farmers in Indian Agriculture participate in all aspects of agriculture including production, horticulture, postharvest operations as well as agro/social forestry/fisheries activities.

Women farmers in Indian Agriculture dominate unpaid work in rural India and are responsible for sowing, planting, weeding and harvesting subsistence farming activities as well as household duties and providing sustenance to their families.

Although women play an essential role in agriculture, their efforts often go unrewarded with underpaid wages and limited access to credit and government agricultural schemes. Furthermore, less decision-making power means limited ability to invest in their farm or purchase inputs that lead to low productivity levels and compound gender disparities within agriculture. Therefore, it is vitally important that women farmers in Indian Agriculture are given more opportunities in this industry while encouraging improved agricultural practices.


Women farmers in Indian Agriculture agripreneurs are taking on greater roles to make farming profitable businesses. They engage in food processing, cultivation for household and commercial uses, animal feed production and milk collection for poultry as well as various technology interventions to make agriculture sustainable across their nation. Unfortunately, lack of quality education and illiteracy pose key barriers in becoming successful entrepreneurs.

Women farmers in Indian agriculture are rapidly increasing in recognition, taking on more tasks and working toward earning sustainable income for themselves. A number of forums, programs and government schemes provide them with support, giving them greater presence and voice within agriculture.

One such story is of Padma Bai who has successfully leveraged her agricultural expertise to establish an exceptional agricultural business. From just breaking even on her 3-acre cotton field to founding a company that provides low-income farmers loans for farming tools. Furthermore, she serves as Sarpanch for eight villages and leads various social initiatives for them all.

Technology Adoption

Agriculture is the mainstay of livelihood for most rural populations. While agricultural technologies offer potential to enhance productivity and enhance livelihoods, there remain significant obstacles that prevent their widespread adoption, particularly among women farmers in Indian Agriculture.

Research has demonstrated that women’s technology adoption rates remain significantly lower than men, and this disparity persists across gender. Barriers for adoption could include limited access to agricultural technologies (i.e. irrigation systems), inadequate training in their use and application and limited financial or credit resources to invest in agricultural technologies (Doss et al. 2003; Doss and Morris 2001; Carr and Hartl 2010; Quisumbing and Pandolf Elli 2010).

Women who participate in self-help groups report numerous advantages beyond financial independence. Their additional income allows them to spend on things like education for their children; plus, they feel more empowered and confident as a result of taking an active part in the group. Finally, this may encourage rural women to assume leadership roles at a community level, furthering rural women empowerment.

Challenges Faced

Women farmers in Indian Agriculture face numerous unique obstacles in agriculture, including unequal access to resources and markets. Lacking credit, fertilizer, or seed can significantly decrease production; and being excluded from market information or pricing negotiations reduces their bargaining power in the marketplace (Vidyakala 2018).

Gender norms that restrict women’s mobility, decision-making power and participation in agricultural activities can limit women’s mobility. Land tenure reforms that prioritize women’s rights could help address ownership and control gaps on agricultural lands; additionally, a social safety blanket providing vital financial protection could serve women farmers in Indian Agriculture or farm widows.

Women farmers play an essential role in India’s economy despite these challenges, providing household food and nutrition security by accounting for almost half of India’s agricultural labor force and producing high-growth commodities like milk and fruit. Unfortunately, their contributions remain undervalued; often being ignored during policymaking or advocacy initiatives.

Empowerment Initiative

Agriculture is predominantly driven by women. Women farmers in Indian Agriculture account for the vast majority of agricultural labourers and independent farmers alike, as well as engaging in associated activities like livestock raising, horticulture and postharvest operations as well as agro/social forestry activities. Women’s participation in farming helps generate income that contributes towards family livelihood and economic empowerment thereby contributing to women’s economic independence.

Women face many hurdles when trying to break out from traditional roles and secure an increased presence in agriculture, including lack of recognition, land ownership issues, limited government support and restrictive social norms that limit their freedom.

Further, women often work alongside their husbands in the fields, further hindering their ability to access resources and manage farms on their own. It is crucial for women to recognize and address these issues if they wish to become independent farmers; doing so will equip them to deal with future challenges such as climate change effects on food production more easily. Gender-specific interventions tailored specifically toward women farmers in Indian Agriculture could provide this necessary support.


Women in Indian Agriculture play an essential part in the agriculture sector and make significant contributions. It is therefore imperative to recognize their contributions and empower them accordingly, taking into account any gender implications of policies or development initiatives within this field.

These strategies include improving access to education, encouraging technological adoption, offering financial inclusion services, and crafting supportive policies – all designed to enhance rural women farmers’ lives and expand their economic opportunities.

Participation by rural women in agricultural activities would create a breakthrough in rural development. It would increase food and nutritional security, reduce poverty and boost profitability of agriculture. For this reason, it is crucial that India’s women workforce in agriculture be empowered, which can be achieved by adopting a comprehensive gender sensitive agricultural policy with emphasis on land ownership, supporting female entrepreneurs as well as using cutting edge technology and providing training sessions specifically targeted towards them.