
Contour Farming in India


Contour farming is an efficient soil conservation technique popularly employed in hilly regions, consisting of building bunds or ridges made up of soil and stones to control erosion and promote better crop yield.

Before engaging in contour farming, a land survey must first be completed to ascertain whether the field is suitable.

Here is the Contour Farming in India:

Contour Farming Contour Farming in India

Contour farming is an agricultural practice in which crops are planted on slopes. This technique allows farmers to increase crop yields while decreasing fertilizer use, conserve soil and water supplies and create a sustainable and cost-effective farming method.

Contour farming’s aim is to prevent soil erosion on steep lands. When heavy rain hits sloped land, it often washes away the topsoil and damages crops – this problem can be resolved through contour farming by creating ridges which slow the flow of rainwater and allow soil absorb more of it.

Contour farming offers many advantages, including higher crop yields, lower fertilizer costs and decreased wear on farm equipment. However, contour farming requires extensive planning and surveying prior to implementation; additionally it should include additional methods of soil and water conservation such as strip cropping, terracing and cover crops as supplementary techniques in order to maximize its benefits.

Terracing Techniques

Contour farming can reduce soil erosion and stop the loss of essential nutrients by encouraging crop growth on hilly terrain. Furthermore, keeping soil moisturised enhances crop yields.

Contour plowing involves ploughing the land at an appropriate depth determined by both field length and slope gradient, then using soil from each furrow to build up a ridge on the opposite side of the field until ploughing has been completed in full.

Contour ploughing enhances soil quality and composition, reduces erosion by up to 50 percent, regulates runoff water flows, increases moisture absorption and retention rates and lessens crop damage from floods, storms and landslides. Furthermore, contour plowing can prevent salinization, acidification, or other chemical contamination of the soil.

Sikkim, with its hilly terrain and mountainous regions, makes use of contour farming to cultivate crops such as rice, potatoes, vegetables, wheat maize, and peas. Furthermore, contour farming allows growers to also harvest capsicums, garlic ginger onions on steep terrain using this technique.

Soil Conservation

Contour farming is an eco-friendly strategy to avoid soil erosion and increase crop yields, while simultaneously reducing fertilizer loss, power usage,, and wear-on equipment wear-and-tear costs. Furthermore, contour farming helps prevent water runoff while keeping soil moisture levels in balance – thus decreasing irrigation needs and saving on costs.

This method of cultivation is most suitable for land with moderately sloped terrain. It helps mitigate sheet and rill erosion by creating ridges in the field that obstruct overland flow; reduce wind erosion by catching air movement to slow it; improve infiltration with narrow steps and also increase visibility through reduced sunlight exposure.

Notably, contour farming may not be suitable for all slopes and climate conditions; its success relies upon areas receiving sufficient rainfall in a short period. Before adopting this technique, experts advise conducting a typographic survey of your land. In order to maximize results with contour farming methods alone, experts also advise using other soil conservation and water preservation measures such as strip planting, cover crops, grassing waterways or building terraces as supplements to complement this method.

Crop Management

Contour farming can be an efficient means to utilize sloped land for cultivation while protecting its soil. When properly executed, contour farming offers many advantages including increased crop yields, retained topsoil quality and decreased erosion.

Contour farming also can assist farmers in more efficiently managing irrigation and fertilization by allowing water to penetrate deeper into soil layers, thus helping reduce surface runoff while also replenishing groundwater aquifers.

Contour farming can help manage weeds and increase crop productivity, but requires time and money for implementation. Farmers must survey their field and prepare it before initiating contour farming; this process could take days or even months to complete.

Contour farming requires ideal conditions in order to be successful. First, the area should have a slope gradient between 2% and 10%. Second, sufficient rainfall must fall on it during a specific timeframe. Thirdly, contour lines must be easily identifiable through typographic surveys or using tools like A-frames or laser levels.

Water Conservation

The contour farming technique involves terracing and bunding land to preserve it while improving crop yields. This technique reduces runoff, sediment yield, water retention rates and recharged groundwater supplies while increasing nutrient conservation by decreasing fertilizer requirements.

Contour farming may not work effectively in all slope and climate conditions. To be most effective, contour farming works best on slopes with gradients between 2–10% that receive regular rainfall – it should also have easily identifiable contour lines using topographic surveys.

Additionally, farmers should carefully consider which crops they wish to cultivate with contour farming. Common examples are wheat, maize, peas, potatoes, and others depending on locational factors or climate (for instance the hill state of Himachal Pradesh cultivates peas, rice and vegetables that were previously difficult to grow on flat land)

Sustainability Impact

Contour farming is a sustainable agricultural technique designed to prevent soil erosion and improve crop yields. This technique reduces soil loss by up to 50% by protecting topsoil, controlling runoff water flow, increasing infiltration rates and moisture retention capabilities, as well as helping retain soil fertility by preventing the washout of fertilizers or contamination of freshwater ecosystems.

Contour ploughing also reduces labor costs by eliminating the need to physically fetch and transport water, and increases productivity by permitting more effective land utilisation and irrigation system use. Furthermore, contour ploughing enhances water efficiency by limiting soil erosion while creating even distribution across fields.

Experts advise farmers to supplement contour farming with additional methods of soil and water conservation such as strip planting, using cover crops, grassing waterways and building terraces. Unfortunately, this method of farming only suits hilly or sloping terrain as marking contour lines is time-consuming and laborious; prior to beginning cultivation it is crucial that an in-depth survey be conducted so as to ensure an optimum slope gradient for contour farming is reached.

Government Initiatives

Contour farming can be used alone or combined with other soil conservation techniques to increase drainage, and infiltrate more of it back into the ground instead of running off into streams or being carried off by wind currents. In turn, this helps decrease fertilizer needs thereby decreasing agricultural production costs.

Contour ploughing is an especially beneficial form of cultivation in sloped areas where rainwater runs off directly onto the soil surface, washing away nutrients that contribute to crop yields and leading to land degradation. Contour ploughing can mitigate this loss by creating steps on the hillside with ridges at regular intervals to contain raindrops at discrete levels so the earth has time to absorb them into its soil layers.

Contour plowing creates ridges that block surface flow during rainstorms, helping reduce sheet and rill erosion while serving as effective barriers against wind erosion. Furthermore, contour plowing increases soil fertility through encouraging biological activity within its swales that release nitrogen into the environment which allows plants to thrive and flourish.


Contour farming is an ideal way to utilize unsuitable land for agriculture while simultaneously conserving soil resources. It can be combined with other land management strategies like terracing and strip cropping – the latter involves sowing various crops alternately in narrow strips to prevent soil erosion; rotating strips of legumes and corn allows corn plants to take advantage of nitrogen left behind from legumes as fertilizer in their roots.

contour farming helps farmers save money on fertilizers and reduces their need to plow their land as frequently. Furthermore, contour farming helps conserve crop species and water resources as well as lessening soil erosion due to heavy rainstorms.

Ideal land for contour farming is hilly terrain that receives sufficient rainfall. It should have an easily identifiable contour line, which can be established via topographic survey or tools like A-frames, field borders for movement of tractor implements, and grassed waterways/terraces for drainage purposes.